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Musical Sheets:

This section will hopefully grow in the future, but the progress will most likely be very slow. Feel free to contribute and if you find these files helpful please do tell. so that I know if i should keep up working with it!

Instuctions Here are some instructions for the tabs (-Will be improved later on.)
Empty tab This is an empty document for writing down your own tabs. Adjusted for A4.

Melody: Tabs: Sheet: MP3 -slow: MP3 -normal: MP3 -fast: Note:
The Peddlers

Note number: Comment:
*Error: On the fourth row there should be some 5 open strokes, after the 3 0 0. (Just as on the other locations)

I am currently exploring possibilities to create good-looking tab sheets using the computer directly instead of printing the mall out and write the fretnumbers manually.